ASEAN Social Work Consortium Kicks Off

Social work practitioners, educators and schools of social work from ASEAN now have a platform to strengthen social work quality and coverage in the region, as well as collaborate to further address fellow ASEAN people’s welfare, especially the poor, marginalised and disadvantaged. The ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC) held its first meeting yesterday in the Philippines, participated by more than 70 relevant experts and associates in the field from ASEAN.

“In Southeast Asia, social work practice and education have developed at an uneven pace amidst diverse but interconnected historical and social contexts… This situation encourages social workers to support and learn from each other,” read the Manila Statement of the First ASEAN Social Work Consortium issued following the meeting.

The Consortium also adopted a work plan for 2011-2014 and initial actions to jumpstart its implementation. The work plan focuses on three key result areas: capacity building, knowledge production and management, and strengthening of national social work and regional welfare institutions.

Membership to the Consortium is open to organisations or individuals representing social work practitioners, educators and schools of social work from ASEAN Member States.

The succeeding ASWC Conferences have been set for 2012 in the Philippines and 2013 in Thailand.

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