The ASEAN Social Work Consortium can trace its beginnings when the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASSC) Blueprint and ASEAN Charter called for the enhancement of the well-being and livelihood of the ASEAN people by promoting and investing in education and life-long learning and for safe-guarding the interests and rights as well as the provision of equal opportunities and raising the quality of life and standard of living for women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. The ASCC Blueprint specifically called for the establishment of an ASEAN Network of Social Workers by 2015 and Action Line c.1. (xv), support, called for the establishment of and ASEAN Consortium of Social Welfare Practitioners, Educators, and Schools of Social Work.
During the 4th ASEAN Senor Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) held on December 2006, the Philippines and Thailand were assigned to jointly develop a projects on the establishment of an ASEAN Consortium of Social Welfare Practitioners , Educators, and Schools of Social Work, thus, in 2005, the ASEAN Training of Social Work practitioners and educators was conducted in the Philippines.
The ASEAN Social Work Programme on Social Welfare, Family and Population (2003-2006) and the Strategic Framework and Plan for Action for Social Welfare, Family and Children (2007-2010) led ASEAN Member stated to participate in national undertakings, share their experiences and develop a truly integrated regional approach to social welfare.
As a result of collaborative efforts, a Planning Workshop to establish the ASEAN Consortium of Social Welfare Practitioners, Educators, and Schools of Social Work was held on August 12-14, 2998 in the Philippines, and finally, the 5th SOMSWD endorsed the planning workshop resolution to establish an ASEAN Consortium of Social Welfare Practitioners, Educators, and Schools of Social Work referred to as the ASEAN Social Work Consortium.